A PLAN has been submitted to convert a garage in Ludlow into accommodation with a balcony.

Simon Angell, an architectural consultant, has submitted the plans on behalf of his client, a Mr Walker.

The consultant is hoping for permission to covert a garage attached to a listed building in Temeside, Ludlow, into a living space.

The plan proposes adding a balcony and solar panel system, as well as works to the property's existing windows.

The design and access statement by Mr Angell, which is part of the application for planning, says: "This application is for a proposed balcony and conversion of the garage and solar panel system at Temeside, Ludlow. The proposal also includes the replacement of existing white UPVC windows with new timber windows along with increased opening depths and arches over the existing southern garage windows, and installation of Velux conservation roof window (to provide more natural light).

"The only changes in appearance will be the galvanised steel balcony, solar panels, replacement and revised window openings and a single roof light. These alterations and additions will enhance the building.

"The proposed balcony is sited behind the lower pitched roof. It has little impact on the listed building, and is hidden from public view.

"Windows with timber on a listed building is always a positive improvement."

The property is Grade-II listed and, according to historic England, has "special architectural interest".

It is a two-storey brick property from the late 18th century to early 19th century.